Category: Healing

  • The remarkable healing of Myrtle Fillmore

    Myrtle Fillmore was born in 1845. She was repeatedly told as a child that her health was poor and that she was prone to tuberculosis – believed fatal in those days. It wasn’t until her early forties when, having contracted tuberculosis, she attended a talk on healing by an influential teacher of the time. When…

  • Holistic Self-Healing

    Many people worried about the side effects of conventional treatments are turning to holistic healing methods, and for good reason. It treats the patient as an individual and addresses the whole person, not just part with the illness. It is natural and gentle, and doesn’t rely on poisons (drugs), sharp blades or burning (e.g. lasers)…

  • An Unusual Healing Experience in Brasil

    After a drive of several miles from the nearest town, Curitiba (in Southern Brasil), we arrived in a field at the end of a dusty track. It was early morning, still dark. In the corner of the field was a building that looked like an abandoned workshop except for a sign, Hopital de Senhor (Hospital…

  • PainLess Doctor

    A month ago I left an AcuPearl PainLess on a trial basis with a Doctor of Chiropractic who had been on painkiller for chronic pain for many years. He used it every day found that the pain was so much better he was able to cut down on the painkillers. He also stated that he…

  • Consciousness and Healing (3)

    I have identified seven levels of consciousness in healing and discussed the first five in previous blogs; in this blog I discuss the final two, the energy healer and the informational healer. The prevailing mindset in the medical community today is dominated by biochemistry and (increasingly) genetics, although there is a growing realisation that psychological…

  • Secrets of a Long Life

    A wise sage once said that it was his intention to die young at a great age! And there are indeed many octogenarians and older who still look good, are active, healthy, trim and have all their mental faculties. Ageing is a fact of life. No-one looks forward to getting old, and some people go…

  • Healing Visualization

    Creative imagery and affirmations have proved their worth in healing time and time again.  Here’s an example: Katy had suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for many years. Nothing – including a rigorous dietary regime – had brought relief. Then she tried Creative Imagery. Every day, she relaxed deeply and imagined she was examining her bowel…

  • Insights into rapid recovery

    Our understanding of recovery from injury owes much to professional sport. Studies of athletes who have made a rapid and complete recovery from serious injury reveal these common threads: They are dedicated to regaining full fitness, and insist on nothing less. Many want more – to be in better shape than they were before their…

  • Emotional Healing

    Healing at an emotional level should always be a gentle process of letting go, rather than a battle to ‘beat’ whatever originally ’caused’ the upset or illness. There’s lots of evidence that working through ‘negative’ emotions helps you recover from illness more quickly, and (perhaps even more importantly) reduces the chances of your getting ill…

  • Compassion Is Good Medicine

    As a result of pioneering neuro-biologists such as Dr Candace Pert (author of ‘The Molecules of Emotion’) we now know that the traditional notion of a mind-body split makes no sense whatsoever. The central nervous system, controlled by the brain, extends to every cell in the body via chemical receptors and neuro-transmitters. Moreover, the evidence…