Category: Prosperity

  • Can We Really Think And Grow Rich?

    In the Victorian era success was believed to be about hard work, serious effort, application and persistence, and maybe a slice of privilege or good luck. Later Deepak Chopra and other ‘New Age writers taught that by raising our consciousness we achieve everything while doing nothing, and it doesn’t matter what our background. Somewhere in…

  • Buddhist Economics

    One of the greatest statements on living simply is to be found in E. F. Schumacher’s book, ‘Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered’. The chapter entitled Buddhist Economics pointed out that consumption is merely a means to an end. Our aim, he argued, ‘should be to obtain the maximum well-being…

  • Buddhist Economics and Good Work

    One of the greatest statements on living simply is to be found in E. F. Schumacher’s book, ‘Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered’. One chapter, ‘Buddhist Economics,’ points out that consumption is not the purpose of life but merely a means to an end. Our aim, he argued, ‘should be…

  • Is it unspiritual to be poor?

    Some religious people and theologians believe that it is unspiritual to be poor. They argue that poor people are unaware of the spiritual principles by which our wants and needs are satisfied. Wealth, they say, is a cosmic ‘thank you’ for our contribution to the world. If we have plenty, it’s because we give plenty.…

  • Prosperity theology

    It is popular in some religious circles (especially in the USA)  to argue that accumulating wealth is not only a worthy pursuit but also a spiritual activity. I disagree. I attended a seminar some years ago given by a minister of a ‘prosperity church’ from the USA. She argued that it is OK to acquire…

  • The Joy of Simplicity

    ‘There’s only one reason why you’re not experiencing bliss at this present moment and it’s because you’re thinking or focussing on what you don’t have.’ Anthony de Mello There’s a paradox in matters of prosperity and spirituality. We live in an abundant universe and yet most of the great spiritual teachers were exponents of the…

  • Prosperity is a state of consciousness

    Prosperity is a way of living, being and thinking. It comes from aligning ourselves with Universal Law and turning inner supply into outer riches. To bring what you need from the quantum world of invisible waves and particles into the material world of the five senses, first build the consciousness for what you desire, and…

  • Prosperity and the Law of Giving and Receiving

    Prosperity comes from both giving and receiving. Giving increases the flow of prosperity, but for giving to take place, there also has to be a receiver. When we give we may appear to have less than before, but this is deceptive. Giving is a cause; it sets up a chain of events which lead to…

  • In-ITIA-te Prosperity

    Eric Fromm wrote that many people spend their lives never achieving what they want because they have it the wrong way round. They try to:  Have money and things so they can Do what they want, so they can Be happy. Instead, Fromm wrote, first you need to: Be, then you can Do, so you…

  • All wealth comes from nature

    To be prosperous means having an abundance of good so we may live a full, satisfying life. What you need to be prosperous already exists in the invisible world of waves and particles. It’s just a question of bringing it into manifestation by working with the resources you have to hand to make it a…