Tag: healing
Don’t judge by appearances – an important holistic healing principle
We live in two worlds simultaneously – the physical world bounded by time and space; and the invisible, formless world of energy, intelligence and information. In the quantum world where our consciousness resides we are always well; only in the physical world of matter do we vacillate between sickness and health. When we buy into…
The remarkable healing of Myrtle Fillmore
Myrtle Fillmore was born in 1845. She was repeatedly told as a child that her health was poor and that she was prone to tuberculosis – believed fatal in those days. It wasn’t until her early forties when, having contracted tuberculosis, she attended a talk on healing by an influential teacher of the time. When…
Holistic Self-Healing
Many people worried about the side effects of conventional treatments are turning to holistic healing methods, and for good reason. It treats the patient as an individual and addresses the whole person, not just part with the illness. It is natural and gentle, and doesn’t rely on poisons (drugs), sharp blades or burning (e.g. lasers)…
Health and Beliefs
No serious medical practitioner can now deny that mind and body are one. In the 1980s scientists such as Dr Candace Pert proved that thoughts travel along the nerves to the muscles, organs and tissues, influencing the process by which cells are renewed and that meanwhile, cells continually send messages to the brain. The mind…
Your Body’s Energy
Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which atoms are formed. The body is energy in vibration. When we give our bodies what they need, including plenty of loving attention, we increase the flow of life-giving energy. What is your body made of? Chemically, the body is mainly carbon, water…
Health is Wholeness
What does health mean? It means wholeness in every aspect of our being. The terms ‘health’, ‘heal’ and ‘holy’ all come from ancient words meaning ‘whole’. Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which the atoms of the body are formed. It is a by-product of good habits, physical and mental,…
A miracle is an event that cannot be explained
A miracle is any event in the physical world that cannot be explained by the known laws of science and nature. Consequently ‘miracles’ change as scientific knowledge advances. In times gone by mobile phones, microwaves, aeroplanes, television and the internet would have been considered miracles. Even flicking a switch to light up a room would…
An Unusual Healing Experience in Brasil
After a drive of several miles from the nearest town, Curitiba (in Southern Brasil), we arrived in a field at the end of a dusty track. It was early morning, still dark. In the corner of the field was a building that looked like an abandoned workshop except for a sign, Hopital de Senhor (Hospital…
PainLess Doctor
A month ago I left an AcuPearl PainLess on a trial basis with a Doctor of Chiropractic who had been on painkiller for chronic pain for many years. He used it every day found that the pain was so much better he was able to cut down on the painkillers. He also stated that he…
Are you dependent on pharmaceuticals?
The drug companies are trying to make us dependent on them. Today’s drugs don’t just treat the health conditions we have, but are sold to us just in case we develop illnesses we don’t yet have. A good example is statins. Statins are claimed to reduce cholesterol in the blood which, they claim, reduces the…