Tag: success

  • The I-T-I-A Formula

    I-T-I-A stands for: Intention Thought Imagination Action The I-T-I-A Formula takes into account everything known about how mind processes information and brings about change. But you must do all four; otherwise the effects won’t be permanent. Intention Personal change starts with a decision – to learn a new skill, to develop a new personal quality…

  • Can We Really Think And Grow Rich?

    In the Victorian era success was believed to be about hard work, serious effort, application and persistence, and maybe a slice of privilege or good luck. Later Deepak Chopra and other ‘New Age writers taught that by raising our consciousness we achieve everything while doing nothing, and it doesn’t matter what our background. Somewhere in…

  • The Firewalk – Creative Imagery in Action

    The most convincing demonstration of creative imagery for me took place a few years ago. About three dozen of us gathered in a field in Somerset one cool April evening. A five metre lane of burning hot embers was prepared, and one by one we tentatively stepped onto the fire, muttering ‘cool wet moss’ and…

  • The art of relating – eight principles

    ‘It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.’ Alfred Adler Human beings are interdependent. We need fulfilling relationships. We need others to turn to. Relationships are…

  • Why goal setting is so powerful

    There’s a wonderful sequence in Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Alice is lost in the woods when she encounters the Cheshire Cat looking down on her from the branch of a tree: ‘Cheshire Puss,’ Alice began rather timidly, ‘would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depends a good…

  • Faith and the ‘As If’ Principle

    ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’  Paul of Tarsus Faith has nothing to do with blindly accepting someone else’s religious beliefs. It is simply trusting the process of life as expressed in the great spiritual laws such as the Laws of Cause and Effect, Attraction, Forgiveness and…

  • How to access your Inner Power

    You have a wonderful power within you. Consider the moment of your birth. At the instant your umbilical cord was cut, you became a separate human being, full of possibilities, charged with spiritual energy. You had within you the seeds of everything you needed to build a happy and fulfilling life. All you needed was…

  • Money

    There is plenty of nonsense talked about money. Sigmund Freud likened it to faeces: he said we savour our own, but are suspicious of (and disgusted by) other peoples. If we have what he called an ‘anal retentive’ type personality, we try to hold on to it at all costs. There can be no peace…

  • Ten prosperity principles

    You have something to offer – and others are willing to pay you for it (in cash or kind) What can you offer? As you share your knowledge and skills, you also expand the consciousness of the recipient. All it takes is a little insight and self-belief. Many people have a great deal to offer…

  • The Second Law – The Law of Attraction

    The universe works on energy and attraction. The mind has a magnetic quality which attracts whatever we hold in our consciousness. Thoughts of good things attract good things: loving thoughts attract love, peaceful thoughts attract peace, thoughts of success attract success and so on. In the same way, thoughts of fear, illness, poverty and so…