Tag: cause and effect

  • Taking Charge of Your Life

    Before we can take charge of our lives, we must acknowledge some basic truths: Everything we are is the result of ‘causes’ laid down in the past; what we will become will result from what we are now and from ‘causes’ still to be laid down. This is the universal Law of Cause and Effect.…

  • The Law of Cause and Effect

    The Law of Cause and Effect (sometimes known as Karma) is fundamental to the universe. It is probably most closely associated with the physical sciences, for example, when a snooker cue strikes a ball, the ball moves, and when one ball hits another, the impact made by the first causes the second to move. Their…

  • Karma

    Karma simply means ‘cause and effect’. Our thoughts, words and actions have repercussions, and in the wider scheme of things, we reap what we sow. The doctrine of Karma is often spuriously linked to reincarnation since some say the effects of our actions are carried from one lifetime to another. But whether or not this…

  • Why are you here?

    Why are we here? In short we don’t really know. We know the universe is orderly and expanding, has purpose and direction, and is presided over by an organising intelligence. So where do we fit in? Why do certain waves and particles take human form? What contribution do we make to the unfolding of the…

  • The Second Law – The Law of Attraction

    The universe works on energy and attraction. The mind has a magnetic quality which attracts whatever we hold in our consciousness. Thoughts of good things attract good things: loving thoughts attract love, peaceful thoughts attract peace, thoughts of success attract success and so on. In the same way, thoughts of fear, illness, poverty and so…

  • The Law of Laws – Cause and Effect

    Cause and Effect is the Law of Laws. It states that for every result or thing that exists, there is a cause, and every action has an effect. When you throw a pebble into a pond, the ripples spread out from the centre in ever-widening circles. So it is with our actions. Good actions are…

  • Take responsibility for your health

    Health is a priceless asset that we tend to fully appreciate only when we lose it. But how many people really take care of their health in a holistic sense? We live in a land of plenty and medical knowledge has never been greater, yet ill health and obesity are rampant. How can this be?…

  • Is there one source of everything?

    Is there a creative intelligence that is the source of everything? What is this energy that created you from a handful of cells and grew you into a fully formed human being? What governs the cycles of life? Cycles such as those by which water becomes steam, which becomes clouds, which condense and fall as…