Tag: self-esteem

  • The Law of Reciprocity IS the Golden Rule

    The Law of Reciprocity is the Golden Rule. It is usually stated as: ‘Treat everyone as you like to be treated.’ However this is not quite right. Others have their own values and preferences that you may not share. They may not want to be treated the same. Therefore the Law of Reciprocity is better…

  • Accept others as they are

    Perhaps the biggest mistake we make in relationships is wishing other people were different and trying to change them. This leads only to resistance and resentment on both sides. They’re not going to change for you unless they want to. Accept people as they are. Be happy for others to be themselves. Few will measure…

  • Live your truth and don’t be a DOPE!

    Others love you the most when you live your truth. You’re on your own path, chosen and shaped by your situation, your environment, talents, skills, attitudes, aptitudes and interests. Others have theirs which determine the path they take. Comparing your path with someone else’s is pointless, like comparing apples with oranges; both are fruits, but…

  • The Troublesome Ego

    Is a powerful ego a good thing? Or does it just describe someone who thinks too much of themselves? Ego is Latin for ‘I’. It is the self as a thinking, feeling and self-determining being, distinguished from the selves of others. Fair enough, but in everyday use, it is often considered rather distasteful. When we…

  • The Eighth Principle of Relationships

    The eighth principle is: Work on yourself. Become a better person, and all your relationships will improve. The place to start if you want to improve your relationships is with yourself – improving your confidence and self-image, challenging harmful beliefs and learning new listening and communication skills. Cultivate an open, positive attitude to all your…

  • Conditions of worth

    Although the relationship you have with yourself is the most important, you also have to deal with the demands others place on you. We are put under tremendous pressure in society to conform to attitudes and behaviour patterns which are not necessarily of our choosing, especially children. They assess their self-worth mainly by how others…

  • The First Principle of Relationships

    The first (and overriding) principle of relationships is this: Every relationship involves a mutual fulfilling of needs If you fulfill someone else’s needs, they want to maintain and deepen your relationship. If you don’t, they’ll avoid you or minimise their contact with you. Think about it – do you like spending time with people who…

  • Self-esteem is happiness and success

    Self-esteem is happiness, success and a whole lot besides. It governs your behaviour in every area of your life and without it you’ll almost certainly underachieve. Self-esteem is the experience of feeling that you’re worthy of happiness and capable dealing with life. It’s a combination of self-confidence (beliefs about your capabilities) and self-respect (beliefs about…

  • And Finally…

    ‘There is no death, only a change of worlds.’ Chief Seattle You can only have real peace of mind when you come to terms with the last great taboo – death. Only then can you be fully in tune with life. What happens when we die? Does life continue beyond the grave? Is the quality…

  • How to be more assertive

    Even if you’ve never considered yourself a particularly assertive person, mastering a few basic techniques can help you to develop this essential skill. Start with small steps and stretch yourself a little more each day as your confidence grows. The basic rules are:  Choose your outcomes. Decide what you want after consider the consequences.  Adopt…