Building Self-Esteem in Children

Whether a parent, teacher or simply a friend of the family, the most important thing an adult can do for a child is to help build their confidence and self-esteem.

High self-esteem can only be learned from parents who have solid sense of their own self-worth.

How can we place self-esteem at the heart of our work raising children? Here are some tips (born of hard-won experience!):

  1. Once it was believed that all that was required of a parent was to feed, clothe, educate and discipline their children. Nowadays, it is recognised that psychological ‘food’ is just as important. Tell them you love them, often. Give them plenty of hugs (these provide a feeling of security).
  1. Don’t just tell them how to behave – show them. Young children model themselves on their adult caretakers. They learn best by example and soon observe if their parents’ words and deeds to not match up. Work on your own self-esteem and demonstrate it in your words and actions.
  1. Spend time doing things together. In a recent study, working parents claimed to give their children an average of an hour a day, but observation revealed that they gave them their full attention for less than five minutes! Listen to them. Help them, but don’t take over: let them learn to do it for themselves. Just being with them and letting them talk about the issues in their lives (however trivial they may seem to you) – is equivalent to telling them you love them.
  1. What you say to children – and how you say it – matters. Adults are often unaware of the hidden messages expressed in their tone of voice, facial expression and body language. Avoid disparaging remarks – a hurtful remark taken to heart by a child can have long-lasting repercussions. Never use sarcasm. Children don’t understand it. They find it confusing and unsettling.
  1. Don’t lie. Children find it hard to understand why adults tell them not to lie and then lie themselves. How can a child make sense of an adult who says one thing and then does another?
  1. Children who are told they are stupid, clumsy, ugly etc. grow up believing it – whatever the truth. Children don’t have the ability to reason as adults. They take it all on board.
  1. Don’t compare them with other children. ‘Why don’t you work as hard as Johnny?’ is more likely to result in children resenting Johnny than making a greater effort themselves.
  1. Of course children need discipline. Even the best behaved children have to be told off from time to time. When this is necessary, comment on their behaviour, not on their character. Point out what they have done wrong and how they can do better next time. Reassure them you love them. This way, children keep their dignity while learning to correct their mistakes. Children respond best to loving support, not verbal abuse.
  1. If the offence is serious, isolate them for a short time. Send them to their room, alone. This gives them an opportunity to cool off and reflect on what they’ve done.
  1. When they behave well, reward them. A smile, a word and a hug do wonders for morale. But don’t be drawn into bribery. Good behaviour is better taught than bought!
  1. However, excessive or insincere praise can be damaging. If everything a child does is ‘fantastic’, then nothing is special. Children recognise empty words; unwarranted praise gives a child the impression that second-rate is good enough.
  1. Set a good example by setting your own goals, and help children to set goals too. Be sensitive though: too much pressure can build resentment and make them give up altogether.
  1. Gradually give children more responsibility. Make them accountable for their actions by accepting the consequences. For instance, if they forget their lunch box, make them go without – they won’t forget again. Sheltered children rarely cope well as adults. The ultimate goal of a good parent is to teach them to stand on their own feet, and be happy, competent, fulfilled and contributing members of society.

All parents know they day they’re born that one day their children will grow up and leave the nest. When they are ready, let go. Your job is done.

©David Lawrence Preston, 4.6.2016

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How To Books 2010

Parenting – the most important job

Raising children is the most important job we take on, but most of us are ill prepared for this important role. There are no college courses and no degrees in parenting, it’s a trial and error process, so what can we do to ensure that we are bringing up our children to be the happiest, healthiest and most successful they can be? Is there a simple rule that ensures that everything we do is in our children’s best interests?

I believe there is. Place self-esteem at the heart of our parenting practices and we won’t go far wrong. Probably the most important thing parents can do for their children is to help them build their self-esteem.

Be the best you can be

Children model themselves on parent figures and learn best by example. If you don’t value yourself, then you are incapable of teaching your children how to feel good about themselves. So if you don’t have a high sense of self-worth, lack confidence and don’t relate well to other people, work on yourself. Don’t just tell them how to behave, show them. Be the example they need. High self-esteem is not hereditary, it is learned, but it can only be learned from parents who have a solid sense of their own self-worth.

The greatest gift you can give to your children is a happy and stable family life surrounded by people who love and respect themselves and each other. Children who grow up in such an environment are likely to create a happy family life of their own when they become parents.

Demonstrate your love

Years ago it was believed that all that was required of a parent was to shelter, feed and clothe their children and teach them to conform to society’s norms. But there is much more to good parenting than this.

Psychological ‘food’ is just as important as ‘physical’ food. Children need love, security, attention and approval, given freely in ways they can understand. So show them how much you appreciate them. Tell them you love them. Let them feel wanted – for instance, by lots of physical contact. Cuddles are essential for a child’s well-being, they make them feel safe and help build their character.

Spend time with your children

There’s a lot of nonsense spoken on this subject. Some parents convince themselves that devoting a few minutes of so-called ‘quality time’ to their children each day is sufficient and compensates for not spending much time with them in total. But the truth is very different. Parents who ration the time spent with their children are actually harming them. Just being there and listening to them talk about the issues in their lives (however trivial they seem to you) is a practical demonstration of how much you care. And if they’re open about the little things that concern them, they’re more likely to open up about the big things too.

In a recent study a group of parents claimed to give their children an average of an hour’s attention a day, but video recordings revealed that the average undivided attention was actually less than ten minutes. This is the same as telling your children, ‘You’re not that important to me; other things are more worthy of my time.’

Children hunger for attention; it is much crueller to ignore them than to criticise them. Any attention is better than none; they’ll find ways of getting noticed even if this means being disruptive. Better to be punished than ignored! Lack of attention is at the root of much juvenile delinquency, drug taking and crime.

Spend time doing things together. Help them, but don’t take over. The aim is for them to learn to do it for themselves.

Watch what you say and how you say it

How you talk to your children matters – both what you say and how you say it.

Many parents are unaware of the hidden meanings communicated through their tone of voice, facial expression and body language. Research suggests that 90% of what parents say to young children is negative or indifferent – that’s nine clumsy or careless remarks for every positive one. What’s worse is that the most damaging remarks are often made when the parent is tired, frustrated or angry, and a few careless words taken to heart by a small child can have lasting repercussions.

Never say anything belittling to a child. You cannot know the damage this causes.


  • Disparaging remarks.
  • Sarcasm. Children don’t understand it, are confused and unsettled by it.
  • Lying. Children find it hard to understand why adults tell them not to lie and then lie themselves.
  • Hypocrisy; for example, telling your child not to speak badly of others while doing it yourself.
  • Labelling. Children who are constantly told they are stupid, ugly, naughty, forgetful and so on grow up believing it. Young children don’t have the same ability to reason as adults, they simply take it all on board.
  • Comparisons – ‘Why aren’t you as good as Johnny?’ is more likely to result in your child hating Johnny than trying to emulate him.


Of course children need boundaries and discipline, especially if they behave really badly. Even the best behaved children need to be told off sometimes.

When a telling-off is necessary, the golden rule is to comment on their behaviour, not their character. Comments like, ‘You clumsy idiot’ destroy self-esteem, while skilfully pointing out what they have done wrong and how they can do better can be encouraging and reassuring as long as children keep their dignity while learning to correct their mistakes.

If the offence is serious, there’s no harm in isolating them for a short time – sending to their room for instance. This gives them an opportunity to cool off and reflect on what they’ve done.

Give praise – but only if genuine

When children behave well, a few words of praise, a smile and hug reinforce good behaviour and do wonders for their self-esteem. But don’t be drawn into bribing them. Good behaviour is better taught than bought.

However, excessive praise can be just as damaging as no praise at all. Children are not stupid. They recognise empty words, and this can result in them quitting altogether.

Avoid unwarranted praise

Unwarranted praise can backfire. It can give the impression that modest effort and mediocrity suffice. The child may stop trying or conclude that nothing better can be expected from him or her.

We all want our children to do their best, but praising a child for trying irrespective of the outcome teaches that results don’t matter. They need to learn that life doesn’t reward the good try; only the winner gets the gold medal. It’s a rare boss who tolerates an incompetent employee who lamely says, ‘But I did my best.’ So when they have not reached the required standard, say, ‘I’m proud of you for trying, but we both know you can do better next time.’

Praise does not teach

In one study, children used to excessive praise went to pieces when given honest feedback, and were less innovative than their contemporaries. These children tended to work for praise as an end in itself rather than the satisfaction of achievement and were less likely to become self-motivated, independent learners.

Constant praise lacks credibility. If everything your child does is ‘fantastic’ then nothing is truly special and he or she doesn’t learn to distinguish the excellent from the commonplace.  But when parents and teachers have high standards, a well-earned ‘Well done!’ gives the child a real sense of accomplishment.

Help children to set goals

Realistic, challenging goals provide powerful motivation, but only if the child takes ownership. So help them to choose their own goals and show them how to break them down into manageable steps and tackle them in the right order. Provide plenty of encouragement and reward them when significant milestones are achieved. But don’t over-pressurise or chastise. Children respond best to loving support, not verbal abuse.

Teach them to be their own parents

Allow your children to grow up, but don’t force it. Gradually give them more responsibility, for example, by encouraging them to help at home and do more for themselves. Make them accountable for their actions by experiencing the consequences. For example, if they spill something, make them clean it up; let them help prepare their own food; make them apologise if they wrong another.

Don’t over protect them. Sheltered children rarely cope well with life as adults. Yes, there are risks in allowing a child to go to the shops alone or play in the local park, but these are usually small compared to the benefits which a little independence can bring.

When the time comes, let them go

The ultimate goal of a parent is to build their children’s self-esteem and teach them to stand on their own two feet; to encourage them to become happy, competent and contributing members of society. All parents know that one day their children will grow up and leave the nest. When they are ready, let them go and celebrate. Your job is done.

©David Lawrence Preston, 16.5.2016

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How To Books, 2010

Told ‘No’ 100,000 times by the age of 12

Our country is suffering from an epidemic. Every day most of us come into contact with sufferers. You may even suffer from it yourself. And yet it often goes unrecognised. The condition? Acute low self-esteem and a chronic lack of self-confidence.

Yes, low self-esteem is endemic in society and it wreaks more havoc than cancer, AIDS and heart disease put together. It is behind most crime, eating disorders, drug taking, relationship and family problems. It affects our happiness and industrial performance and is largely responsible for underachievement at school. It is at the root of most stress and illness, but unfortunately is not a physical condition. If it were, the government would declare it a national emergency and get together with the pharmaceutical companies, setting aside massive funds and organising a national publicity campaign.

We all want to be happy, healthy, successful and enjoy peace of mind, but the chances of realising any of these are remote unless you feel good about yourself. Yet many people don’t particularly like themselves and feel they’re not capable of very much. Without good self-esteem, all they can hope for is a life of quiet desperation.

What’s brought about this malaise? The answer generally lies in childhood experiences. Few parents understand the importance of communicating with their children in an uplifting and encouraging way. Some don’t even understand the importance of communicating with them at all, preferring to talk into a mobile phone while walking down the street!

Many don’t appreciate that judicious praise is one of the prime means of raising a psychologically healthy child. They take it as their duty to belittle their children, pointing out their every fault and every mistake they make, often in a disparaging, insulting or even abusive way. The problem is exacerbated for some by a religious tradition that emphasises the need for redemption and frowns on positive self-regard.

As a result, by the time they start school, these unfortunate infants are already questioning their self-worth and doubting their own abilities. The average child has already been subjected to no less than 100,000 negative injunctions by the age of 12 – ‘Don’t’, ‘You can’t’, ‘Put it down’ and so on.

Once learned these negative thinking patterns remain firmly entrenched unless firm and persistent steps are taken to eliminate them for good.

In my years of full-time education and attending business training course I don’t recall a single session on self-esteem. Personal development courses focussed on team activities and inter-personal skills, with confidence as a by-product. How misguided! You wouldn’t teach someone to play a musical instrument by hoping they find the right notes by chance. Similarly, only conscious and deliberate steps can improve confidence once the need has been detected.

The exciting thing is, no matter what your background or current level of self-esteem, you can always improve. Everyone can learn how to change their thinking and feel better about themselves. Courses in self-esteem should be part of the national curriculum taught in all schools and made available for parents and teachers. What’s the point of knowing your 12 times table if you feel rotten and worthless about yourself?

If this were given priority, we could transform the prospects of our young people from the grass-roots up within a generation. Now isn’t that exciting?

©David Lawrence Preston, 28.3.2016

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How to Books, 2010