Tag: coaching
Live your truth and don’t be a DOPE!
Others love you the most when you live your truth. You’re on your own path, chosen and shaped by your situation, your environment, talents, skills, attitudes, aptitudes and interests. Others have theirs which determine the path they take. Comparing your path with someone else’s is pointless, like comparing apples with oranges; both are fruits, but…
The Law of Reciprocity
The Law of Reciprocity is the Golden Rule. It is usually stated as: ‘Treat everyone as you like to be treated.’ However this is not quite right. Others have their own values and preferences that you may not share. They may not want to be treated the same. Therefore the Law of Reciprocity is better…
Relationships are like a mirror
Relationships are like a mirror reflecting back the way we are. Through our interactions with others, we learn about ourselves. The feedback can be immediate and sometimes harsh, but if we are open, illuminating. When we learn to see relationships as a mirror, we clear the way to profound personal growth. No more blaming anyone…
Deep down we are all beings of peace
We live in a society where looking after number one is not only fashionable but encouraged. We forget that we are all here to grow as individuals and support each other. Looking after ourselves with no consideration for others makes no sense. Since everything we do returns to us like a boomerang, selfishness actually harms…
Our Inter-contentedness
We are connected to each other, not loosely but in countless ways. Apart from the obvious physical and emotional links between people, we share the same Life Force that flows through me and you. We are made of the same ‘stuff’, breathe the same air and drink the same water. The differences between us are…
Money Consciousness
Economists think of prosperity as money in the bank and how much we consume. Perhaps most of us do. But this is not the full picture. Prosperity is much more than this. It is a way of living, being and thinking, not just money and possessions. Even so, it is important to have a healthy…
Prosperity is a state of consciousness
Prosperity is a way of living, being and thinking. It comes from aligning ourselves with Universal Law and turning inner supply into outer riches. To bring what you need from the quantum world of invisible waves and particles into the material world of the five senses, first build the consciousness for what you desire, and…
Prosperity and the Law of Giving and Receiving
Prosperity comes from both giving and receiving. Giving increases the flow of prosperity, but for giving to take place, there also has to be a receiver. When we give we may appear to have less than before, but this is deceptive. Giving is a cause; it sets up a chain of events which lead to…
A Note on Mindfulness and Self-Awareness
There’s a fundamental truth behind our experience of life: It’s not what happens out there in the world that shapes our lives, but what happens in here, between our ears! The great spiritual teachers have been saying this for millennia, and today quantum physicists are saying the same. In essence, when you take responsibility for…
The Benson method of meditation
The late Dr Herbert Benson was an authority on relaxation and meditation. He investigated them from a scientific point of view and recommended their use to his patients with great success. He developed a method for general use which has no religious connotations: Sit quietly in a comfortable position in a quiet place and close…