Tag: Feeling good
A Close Relationship Between Stress and Illness
Studies have consistently shown a close relationship between stress and illness. Stressed people get ill more often and when they do, on average the illness is more serious. Twenty years ago stress was said by doctors to be responsible for at least two-thirds of all illness; nowadays, the most often quoted figure is around 90%.…
The Mind-Body Connection
We’ve always known that there’s a connection between the body and the mind – if indeed they are separate at all. For instance, anxious feelings can give rise to headaches, loss of appetite and an upset stomach – we’ve all experienced it. Sad thoughts bring on tiredness and lethargy, anger energizes, fear brings tension and…
Heaven and hell: an ancient story
Some religions teach that heaven and hell are places where we go after death, but spiritual awareness reveals that this is not so: they are states of consciousness. We create them by the way we think and act. When we align our thoughts with the highest ideas, we feel good. The body is flooded with…
Do you know what makes you happy?
Most of us think we know what makes us happy, but do we? We chase after money and status, seeking happiness by pandering to the senses. We think these will do the trick, but if we knew what really makes us happy, we would crave little. Take responsibility for your happiness We gain a wonderful…
6 Tips for Inner Peace
The source of most mental tension is the ego – that part of our psyche which constructs the image of ourselves we like to present to the world – our idea of who we should be and who we would like others to think we are. 1. Give up the need to be right Giving…
Why are you here?
Why are we here? In short we don’t really know. We know the universe is orderly and expanding, has purpose and direction, and is presided over by an organising intelligence. So where do we fit in? Why do certain waves and particles take human form? What contribution do we make to the unfolding of the…
Health is Wholeness
What does health mean? It means wholeness in every aspect of our being. The terms ‘health’, ‘heal’ and ‘holy’ all come from ancient words meaning ‘whole’. Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which the atoms of the body are formed. It is a by-product of good habits, physical and mental,…
The art of relating – eight principles
‘It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.’ Alfred Adler Human beings are interdependent. We need fulfilling relationships. We need others to turn to. Relationships are…
And Finally…
‘There is no death, only a change of worlds.’ Chief Seattle You can only have real peace of mind when you come to terms with the last great taboo – death. Only then can you be fully in tune with life. What happens when we die? Does life continue beyond the grave? Is the quality…
Your Purpose
One of the secrets of a long and healthy life is this: You can derive a great deal of strength and courage from identifying and affirming your purpose – especially when things are not going well. When you’re off-purpose you feel stressed, listless and empty inside. Your major aim, of course, is to find happiness…