Dawkins is wrong!

Current mainstream thinking says that genes control and regulate the body. They are the master control system and our biology is determined by our genetics.

The new science of Epigenetics states that this is wrong. Epigentics demonstrates that our thoughts and environment – include the energies within and around us – have a powerful effect on us. They can actually activate and modify the chemical switches in the body that regulate genetic expression.

In other words, your energy environment can actually change the impact that your genes have on your body. Epigenetics illustrates how science is never static, it moves on. Even the all-pervasive genes theory is now dated.

Dawkins is wrong to place so much emphasis on genes, which loses sight of a much bigger picture.

©David L Preston, 24.6.2017

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Basic Principles of Reiki

Reiki is an ancient healing art rediscovered and popularised by Dr Mikao Usui in the early years of the last century. Reiki is a form of energy healing. Anyone can use it, and it is easily learned. It involves the practitioner ‘channelling’ energy into the biofield of the patient, thereby restoring the flow of energy and information to support healing and wellbeing.

One of the most important principles of Reiki is that the practitioner must set aside their own desires, will and ego aside, and allow the Reiki energy to direct itself to where it is most needed. The giver is never drained, because it is not their energy: this is the secret. The energy flows through not from the healer into the person being healed.

Healers often report feeling ‘at one’ with their clients, of being with the client in an energy field that transcends their physical presence. Patients too often report a feeling that they are in the presence of a third party, something bigger than themselves.

You can also draw on this energy for yourself, whether you’re ill or in need of a boost, by learning Reiki.

Training is normally given by a Reiki Master, who gives the basic instruction and attunes the students to the Reiki energy. Reiki 1 enables the student to practice on themselves, family and friends; Reiki 2 qualifies him or her to practise professionally.

Scientific Explanation for Reiki

Scientific studies provide an explanation for Reiki. This explanation has been presented as a testable hypothesis by Dr James Oschman, a scientist with a conventional background who became interested in the practice of energy medicine. In the Winter 2002 issue of Reiki News Magazine, he discussed a number of studies that point to a scientific basis for energy medicine based on the laws of physics and biology.

The basis of Dr. Oschman’s hypothesis is the electrical currents that run through every part of the human body. These currents are present in the nervous system, organs, and cells of the body. For instance, the electrical signals that trigger the heartbeat travel throughout all the tissues and can be detected anywhere on the body.

Ampere’s law indicates that when an electrical current flows through a conductor, an electromagnetic field is produced that reflects the nature of the current that created it. Tests with scientific instruments indicate that electromagnetic fields exist around the body and around each of the organs of the body, including the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, etc. The heart has the strongest field, which has been measured at a distance of 15 feet from the body.

The fields around each of the organs pulse at different frequencies and stay within a specific frequency range when they are healthy, but move out of this range when they are unhealthy. The hands of healers produce pulsing electromagnetic fields when they are in the process of healing, whereas the hands of non-healer do not produce these fields. When a healer places his or her hands on or near a person in need of healing, the electromagnetic field of the healer’s hands sweeps through a range of frequencies based on the needs of the part of the body being treated.

Faraday’s law indicates that one electromagnetic field can induce currents into a nearby conductor and through this process, induce a similar field around it. In this way, a healer induces a healthy electromagnetic field around an unhealthy organ, thus inducing a healthy state in the organ. A detailed explanation of Oschman’s hypothesis, including descriptions of the scientific studies, diagrams, and references is presented in the journal cited above.

Five Principles for Happiness

Usui believed that the recipe for a happy life is to work on what could be improved and accept what can’t be changed. He wrote:

‘The secret art of inviting happiness, the miraculous medicine for all diseases:

At least for today, do not be angry.

Do not worry.

Be grateful.

Work with diligence.

Be kind to people.

For improvement of mind and body.’

Dr Mikao Usui.


©David L Preston, 18.3.2017

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Your Body’s Energy

Good health has its origins in the invisible energy field from which atoms are formed. The body is energy in vibration. When we give our bodies what they need, including plenty of loving attention, we increase the flow of life-giving energy.



What is your body made of?

Chemically, the body is mainly carbon, water and waste, but this is only its outward appearance. Through a microscope, we see that it is made up of cells. Cells are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of subatomic waves and particles spinning in formation, held together by an invisible information field. We are, in fact, 99.999% empty space.

We are made of the same stuff as everything else in the universe. We are, in a very literal sense, stardust!

The body is more than a marvellous machine; it appears to be a solid collection of muscles, bones and tissue, but is formed of energy.  We’re a paradox – we live in physical bodies formed out of something non-physical, animated and held together by an invisible ‘life force’.

The Chakra System

Thousands of years ago, sophisticated systems of healing were developed in India and China which are just as effective today. The Indians recognised that the body is regulated by seven ‘wheels of light’ or major energy points known as ‘chakras’. The first five are situated along the spine, the sixth and seventh in the head:

  1. The Base Chakra at the base of the spine, relates to the adrenal glands, spinal column and kidneys.
  1. The Sacral Chakra at the top of the triangular bone forms the keystone of the pelvic archand relates to the reproductive system and legs.
  1. The Solar Plexus Chakra in the lower back governs the nervous system and stomach and regulates blood sugar.
  1. The Heart Chakra, related to the Thymus Gland, controls the immune system, heart and circulation. It is situated between the shoulder blades.
  1. The Throat Chakra, situated in the neck, relates to the thyroid gland (which controls the metabolism) and governs the lung, bronchial and vocal apparatus and alimentary canal.
  1. The Brow Chakra is found in the middle of the forehead between the eyes. It links to the pituitary gland, which controls maturation and growth.
  1. The Crown Chakra at the top of the head governs the other six. It relates to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of melatonin, a powerful antioxidant which strengthens the immune system and may increase longevity.

The aura

The energy field extends beyond your physical form. A field of electrical energy, the ‘aura,’ radiates from you as a magnetic field radiates from a magnet.

Your aura expands, contracts and changes hue according to your physical, mental and emotional health. When you are well, it expands and glows brightly; when you are unwell or cut off from your inner peace, it closes in and turns dreary grey.

Although most of us cannot see them with the naked eye, we are aware of others’ auras at a subconscious level. A healthy aura attracts and energises us; a dull aura repels.

The aura can be photographed using a technique known as ‘Kirlian’ photography. Why not have your energy field photographed? There’s bound to be someone in your area who practises Kirlian photography. You’ll find it illuminating, literally!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

TCM dates back at least four thousand years, and is a radically different way of understanding physical function and the causes of disease than its Western counterpart. At the heart of the TCM healing model is the flow of energy, ‘qi’ or chi’, through the meridians (energy channels). Disease is viewed as a lack of harmony or disruptions in qi. Practitioners aim to influence the delivery and control of this subtle energy, to address the root cause of illness rather than merely treating the symptoms.

Treatments include herbs, acupuncture, dietary therapy, tui na massage, cupping, moxabustion (applying heat) and Qigong exercises.


Kinesiology – evidence of cellular intelligence

Kinesiology is a complementary healing system based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It taps in to the innate intelligence present in every cell. The practitioner tests the strength in various muscles to identify problem areas, then restores balance within the body, relieves energy blockages and helps the body’ to cleanse itself of toxins and heal naturally.

A growing interest in energy medicine

For a long time Oriental Medicine was regarded in the West as esoteric, but now it is proven to be verifiable science. For example, meridians have been mapped using thermal imaging, electronics, radioactivity etc. They are high-speed highways for information carrying and energy interchange.

Science is beginning to acknowledge that chemistry, although successful at explaining many of the functions of the body, does not adequately explain its integrative workings. Energy medicine is integrative: it combines physics, chemistry, biology and the information network in the body that conventional biology knows next to nothing about.

The state of your energy field dramatically affects your physical state. Managing your energy field is within your grasp. For example, be aware of the energy of people you mix with and the language you use. Seek out places with healthy energy (e.g. the natural environment), use earth-based PEMF therapy devices and distance yourself from anything that weakens your energy field.

©David Lawrence Preston, 1.11.2016

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Consciousness and Healing (3)

I have identified seven levels of consciousness in healing and discussed the first five in previous blogs; in this blog I discuss the final two, the energy healer and the informational healer.

The prevailing mindset in the medical community today is dominated by biochemistry and (increasingly) genetics, although there is a growing realisation that psychological factors are important too. We simply can’t ignore the impact our thoughts, emotions and mental images have on our physical being.

But there are other realms too – invisible factors which lie beyond that the awareness of the five senses. Metaphysicians have said for  centuries that all visible things come from the invisible and depend on the unseen for their existence. In the past hundred years or so, physicists have realized the truth of this too.

Level six: the energy healer

There’s nothing new about energy medicine of course; it’s as old as the hills of China. In mainstream medicine it’s still considered woo-woo, even though it has a credible scientific basis and is sometimes used for pain relief in European hospitals. Despite this, many energy practitioners do little to debunk its mystique. There’s a good living to be made from crystals, rituals, symbols, coloured torches, pendulums and the like.

Energy healers understand that humans are formed from a complex flow of energies, and that inputting energy into the body or correcting the energy flow through the body can promote health and cure illness. It has a strong tradition (e.g. Chinese medicine) and a huge and increasing body of scientific evidence gathered over the past hundred years. If you haven’t already, look up the work of Georges Lakhovsky, Harold Saxton Burr, Beverly Rubik and Fritz-Albert Popp for starters.

Since Einstein, no-one who keeps themselves informed seriously doubts that matter is formed from energy, and that we are essentially beings of light. Popp even measured the feint emissions of light emanating from our DNA.

There are many forms of energy medicine. A good example is Reiki, an ancient oriental practice of channelling healing energy into the body of the patient. In theory, the energy goes where it is needed. All that is required of the healer is to put their ego aside and allow the ‘universal healing energy’ to flow.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has the basic premise that all that illness is caused by energy blockages, and unblocking these using acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, Qi Gong and so on restores the body to equilibrium and health. There is a great deal of recent scientific evidence that confirms the existence of meridians and acupoints and the benefits of using this knowledge in healing.

In addition, the American space agency NASA has investigated the use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) in health and healing and verified their efficacy.

Actually, all medicine is energy medicine, since all drugs, herbs, foodstuffs, vaccines, antibiotics transmit energy to the patient and impact on the body’s energetic systems. Even putting on a plaster impacts on the body’s energy field. Mental healing, too, is a form of energy medicine, since ideas, beliefs, commands, suggestions and so on are all form of thought energy.

But we are not simply energy. Something has to direct that energy. Intention? Information? Consciousness? If consciousness, whose? The patient’s? The practitioner’s? Universal consciousness? Good question!

Quantum physics has, of course, provided a whole new impetus to energy medicine, but we should remember that the story has yet to come to a conclusion. Science is an ongoing process. What seems new today is just the unfolding or discovering of what has always been. For most of history, what scientists thought they ‘knew’ eventually turned out to be wrong. As Ernest Holmes wrote, ‘Man never creates: he discovers and uses.’ One day, quantum physics will be also overtaken by something better, that explains more and takes us closer to revealing the Truth (with a capital ‘T’) more precisely than what has gone before.

Which brings us to:

Phase seven: the informational healer

Whereas the traditional energy healer believes he or she works with the flow of energy through the body, the modern bioenergetic and informational healer works with the ‘biofield’ or ‘body-field’, the matrix of energy and information which permeates every atom of our bodies and extends beyond the skin into the environment and perhaps even into space itself.

We are not simply energy. Something has to direct that energy. The informational healer recognises that energy by itself is insufficient to heal because it need to be directed by information. If the right and/or necessary information is absent, blocked or distorted, healing will not happen.

Information is imprinted and transferred through the biofield or energy body. It is this which ultimately controls the body’s physical processes.

One of the pioneers in the field was the late researcher and TCM practitioner, Peter Fraser, who featured in the highly informative DVD, The Living Matrix. I once had the pleasure of meeting him and attending some of his lectures, and found him totally inspiring. His body-field model has three parts:

  • The morphic field determines the growth pattern or shape of the body and links to RNA and DNA.
  • The Heart Field is related to pulse rate and makes a magnetic wave that extends far beyond the body.
  • The Living Matrix is our muscles, organs and connective tissues. The meridians and cell water links to the breathing rate.

I witnessed the impact that information can have on the body’s energy field at a recent seminar. One participant, an accomplished Reiki Master, wrote a word on a piece of paper and placed it on the subject’s stomach. She then tested the subject’s response (using kinesiology) and found it had reacted to the paper. So what was it that had this effect on the biofield? The paper and ink? Surely not! The biofield had somehow responded to the information on the paper. (If you would care to hazard a guess as to what the actual word was, please leave a comment on this article and I’ll share it with you.)

We are all energy and information healers – because everything we do affects the energy and information flowing through the body-field – not only our own body-field, but other people’s too. Consequently, we can all cause ill-health by inadvertently spreading bad energy and information.

Information can be expressed in many ways – the spoken and written word, pictures, touch and so on. Actually, at some level all medicine is also informational medicine, since drugs, herbs, foodstuffs, fluids, vaccines, antibiotics – even splints, scalpels and bandages – transmit information to the patient’s biofield.

What if the informational components of plant remedies, not their biochemistry, were the main instrumental factor in bringing about healing? (This would partly explain why homeopathy can be so effective.) What if the active ingredient in spoken word therapies is not the change in behaviour which results (as assumed by many practitioners), but the information input into the biofield?

Summary: Consciousness and Healing

It is said that the Great Healers actually restructured the energy and information in their patients’ bio-fields. What if all you need to become a Great Healer yourself is the consciousness that you can?

As we climb the Mountain of Truth and look behind us, we see things we didn’t see before. Patterns in the landscape that we previously missed become obvious. To those at the bottom of the Mountain, we are purely physical beings. To those on the middle slopes, we are merely cocktails of chemicals reacting with each other, at the mercy of the microbes who make their home on and beneath the skin.

Climb a little higher, and we see that our thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our health. Higher still, and we become aware that the (invisible) energy which permeates our bodies must be allowed to flow freely if we are to stay healthy. A little higher – and we realise the whole process is controlled by information transfers.

Once you’ve reached this level of consciousness, there’s no going back. You can’t un-know what you know. But have you considered that there is much more at stake here than whether this person or that person gets better and stays well? Our very view of what human beings actually are is on the line.

Today’s scientists now understand that this body, this supposedly fixed and solid thing, is not solid at all. The material universe is illusory, 99.999% empty space, and so are we! We are formed from consciousness – nothing else. Even though we can’t grasp this intellectually, we must awaken to it if our efforts at healing ourselves and the world are to succeed.

There’s still an awful lot of mountain to climb. The human race will have to clamber up many slopes, see many false peaks and pause on numerous narrow ledges on its way to Higher Consciousness. In the meantime, our exploration of healing will be a vital part of the process.

© David Lawrence Preston, 19.7.2017

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History of Bioenergetic Healing

Bioenergetic healing is nothing new. Many ancient cultures recognised an energy field within and around the body. Nowadays the latest scientific insights – especially those gained from quantum physics – are being applied to a better understanding of the body’s energy field and the information fields that direct it.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

TCM has played an important part in the history and development of bioenergetic healing. It dates back at least four thousand years, and is a radically different way of understanding human health, physical function and the causes of disease than its Western counterpart. For instance:

  • Whereas Western medicine sees the body as a stand-alone entity, in TCM, it has an intimate relationship with its environment.
  • TCM is focussed on the person as a whole, rather than the disease alone.
  • Western medicine tends to see the body as a collection of inter-dependent and inter-related parts; to the Chinese, it is a complete system with a set of interconnected sub-systems.
  • At the heart of the TCM healing model is the flow of energy, ‘qi’ or chi’, through the meridians. Disease is viewed as a lack of harmony or disruptions in qi. Practitioners try to influence the delivery and control of this subtle energy.
  • Western physicians focus on the form and structure of the body and measurable organic changes; their Chinese counterparts are more concerned with function. They apply treatment to improve the functioning of the whole body, not just the faulty parts. Thus when Western practitioners speak of ‘blood’, they are referring to the red liquid that flows through the veins and arteries of the body; the Chinese concept of ‘blood’ relates to the flow of energy through the body associated with the bloodstream.
  • TCM seeks to address the root cause of illness rather than merely treating the symptoms.

Yin and Yang

Central to Chinese thinking is the notion of balance. Health is seen as a balance of two opposing forces, Yin and Yang, complementary opposites within a greater whole. Yin is the female, inhibitory energy, static, cool, calming and intuitive, while Yang is the male excitatory energy, dynamic, stimulating and logical. Everything has Yin and Yang aspects which interact.



Meridians are central to TCM. They are the energy channels along which qi flows. In TCM, illness is caused by energy blockages or disturbances and the aim of all treatment is to restore this flow. Qi can be augmented by thoughtful living and depleted by adverse environmental factors. Entry points to the meridians are best known as acupuncture points (or acupoints).

There are twelve main meridians. Each bears the name of, and roughly corresponds to, one of the twelve Zang Fu (organs). Zang are the solid organs; Fu the hollow organs. In addition, there are eight ‘extraordinary’ meridians, which are considered to be storage vessels of reservoirs of energy not associated directly with the Zang Fu.

Even though meridians cannot be ‘seen’, their existence has been demonstrated over and over again and there are a number of explanations for how they work. But any method does not become better simply because science is able to explain it. Meridian-based therapies have flourished for centuries because people have found them effective.

Methods of Treatment in TCM

Although Western and Chinese medicine are difficult to reconcile in principle, they may be used concurrently; indeed, this is often the case in modern China. The most important treatment methods in TCM are:

  • Herbal medicine: Chinese ‘herbs’ consist not only of plants, but marine life, reptiles, insects and minerals. About 80% of Chinese herbs are plant-based. They may be taken in a variety of forms – teas, pills, tinctures and so on. There are three broad types:
    • Superior herbs – for multiple diseases
    • Tonics and boosters
    • Herbs for specific ailments
  • Acupuncture (see below).
  • Dietary therapy: using natural foods for healing instead of medications.
  • Other prescribed treatments may include:
    • Tui na massage – applying pressure using the fingers, palms and thumbs on points related to the central and autonomic nervous systems.
    • Cupping – drawing out pathogenic factors from affected parts using a vacuum cup.
    • Moxabustion – applying heat to the acupuncture points.
    • Qigong exercises, which use slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to promote the circulation of qi.



Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into ‘acupuncture points’ along the meridians and stimulated by gentle movement and sometimes a weak electrical current to restore the flow of energy. Acupressure has the same purpose, using finger pressure rather than needles. Nowadays, lasers are also used instead of needles.

Acupuncture is now practised world-wide, and while the placebo effect works as an analgesic in 30% of cases, acupuncture has proven to work in 70 – 80%.

Scientific basis

For a long time Oriental Medicine was regarded in the West as an esoteric theory, but now it is seen as verifiable science. Meridians have been mapped using thermal imaging, electronics, radioactivity etc. and increasingly they appear as channels of biochemical, electrical and subtle energies, high-speed highways for information carrying and interchange.

Science is beginning to acknowledge that chemistry, although successful at explaining many of the mechanisms of the body, does not adequately explain its integrative workings. Both TCM and bioenergetic healthcare are integrative in the truest sense: they combine physics, chemistry and biology and use the information network in the body that conventional biology knows next to nothing about.

The Ayurvedic System

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine which views disease as an imbalance in the vital energy prana (the equivalent of chi). It is at least four thousand years old.

In Ayurveda, individuals are characterised by their body types – vata, pitta or kapha – each a result of certain body defects or ‘doshas’. Each dosha is associated with the way the individual processes vital energy, and each individual has a unique combination of doshas. Disease arises from an imbalance of one or more of the doshas and treatments are designed to restore this balance. Herbs, dietary therapy, mineral extracts, surgery, exercise, massage, sweating, meditation and yoga are among the treatments applied.

Ayurvedic medicine continues to prosper in India and despite the scepticism of the mainstream medical community has attracted greater interest in the West as a result of the works of authors such as Dr Deepak Chopra and Dr Amit Goswami.

The Chakra System

Chakras are subtle energy centres located at the main branches of the nervous system. They absorb life-energy from sunlight and distribute it to the tissues and organs of the body. According to the healing traditions, anything that causes a disturbance of the flow of energy through one or more of the chakras can cause illness.

There are many chakra systems around the world, however, the best known and most widely practised is the Ayurvedic system. There are seven major chakras, each with different qualities, and each associated with a colour, function and set of organs.

The Aura

The aura has long been recognised as an energy field that extends beyond the body, consisting of multiple bands of energy (auric layers or auric fields). It extends beyond the physical form much as a magnetic field radiates from a magnet.

Although most of us cannot see them with the naked eye, we are aware of others’ auras at a subconscious level. A healthy aura attracts and energises us, whereas a dull aura has the opposite effect.

A Selection of Popular Bioenergetic Healing Methods

Crystal healing

Crystals (or gemstones) have been used to help clear and balance the chakras for thousands of years. Every stone vibrates at a different frequency, so there are crystals for every chakra. In addition, they appear to respond to the intention of the user, i.e. can be ‘programmed’ by holding it in one’s hands and meditating or visualising an intention, although there is no widely accepted scientific evidence to verify this.


The most common form of dowsing employed by energy healers uses a pendulum. When held and allowed to swing freely, a pendulum will respond to the electro-magnetic frequency of a chakra. In skilled hands, it may be used to diagnose energy weaknesses and distortions.

Hands-on healing

There are many types of hands-on healing. The laying on of hands has long been used as a form of energy transfer. In recent years a variety of forms, such as ‘Therapeutic Touch’ and ‘Quantum Touch’ have been developed, many claiming excellent including pain relief and reduced stress and anxiety. Critics suggest that nothing happens beyond the placebo effect, but experiments with plants and animals (which are not influenced by beliefs) suggest that the effect is real.

A popular form of hands-on healing is Reiki. Reiki is an energy healing system which involves the channelling and delivery of ‘universal life energy’ through the practitioner into the body of the patient. It works at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, and claims to balance bodily functions, release blockages and suppressed emotions, strengthen the immune system, clear toxins and release pain. Like many energy treatments, Reiki can be delivered at a distance, can be used for self-healing or treating others, and also claims to work with animals.

Reiki is thousands of years old, but was revived and popularised by the Japanese physician, Dr Mikao Usui at the beginning of the 20th Century. Instruction in Reiki is widely available.


Kinesiology is an energy-based healing system using the principles of TCM. The practitioner tests the strength in various muscles to identify problem areas, then restores balance within the body, relieves energy blockages and helps the body to cleanse itself of toxins.

Healing with light and colour

We are literally beings of light. Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi concluded that light striking the body alters the basic biological functions involved in digestive processing, enzymatic and hormonal interactions. Dr Jacob Liberman, a pioneer in the therapeutic use of colour and light, says we are living photocells. The body gives off light of all colours, takes it in through our physical being and emits and receives light through the subtle energy bodies.

Light has used for healing for thousands of years, for instance, the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians were well acquainted with it. Recent research has demonstrated the power of light for healing, for example, sunlight has been shown to stimulate the pineal gland (which acts as the body’s light filter) to produce melatonin, which promotes sleep, rest and happiness. Light is known to affect a number of brain centres, such as the cerebral cortex, limbic system and hypothalamus.

In recent times, light therapy has proved effective for conditions such as SAD – seasonal affective disorder – a form of depression sometimes referred to as the ‘winter blues’.

Another aspect of light healing is colour therapy. Different colours have different wavelengths, so choosing the right colour is crucial. Red light helps wounds heal more quickly, blue light can kill bacteria and ultraviolet light can sterilise air and water. Colour healing may prove to be of great benefit in treating a wide variety of ailments.


Magnets were used in healing by the Ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks, among others, and their use has continued ever since.

The physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) was one of the first to suggest that the Earth itself is a giant magnet. Later, Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), best known as a flamboyant hypnotist, used magnetic passes over his patients to correct imbalances in the body’s ‘magnetic fluids’ and bring about healing. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of Homeoepathy, and Louis Pasteur also experimented with them.

In the modern era, research continues in countries such as Russia, India and Japan, and there has been a resurgence in the use of magnetic therapies in recent years in the West.


Reflexology involves applying pressure or acupuncture to specific zones on the feet, hands, scalp or ears to influence the various organs and systems of the body through the meridians. It has been known about for several thousand years in Africa and the East. Increasingly practitioners are using concentrated coloured light and laser pens applied to the reflexology points.

Sound therapy

The science behind sound therapy is well established. Sound is frequently used alongside other modalities. There are many form of sound therapy – music, toning, mantric chanting, tuning forks applied directly or indirectly to the patient’s body, vibro-acoustic beds and chairs, and so on.

Resonance occurs when an object vibrating at its own unique frequency begins to vibrate at the same frequency as another object, and entrainment when multiple systems resonate together. Every individual generates his or her own personal harmonic (vibratory range).

Some notes or tones can be harmful, while others can heal. For example, ultrasonic energy can decalcify and soften bones and sounding a tuning fork has been shown to dissolve cancer cells.

Bioenergetic healing has a great past – and an even greater future!

©David Lawrence Preston, 9.6.2016

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Nothing in this article substitutes for professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have any health concerns that may require diagnosis or treatment.