21st Century Healing – The Biofield

The human biofield is a structured set of holographic patterns of information. Without it we would not exist. It surrounds and entwines the body, integrating our physical, chemical, mental and emotional natures with our intelligence and consciousness. Today it can be observed, measured and influenced to bring about previously unimaginable healings.

The biofield is dynamic in nature, constantly acting and reacting to internal changes and changes in the environment. Our state of health and wellbeing are totally dependent on a harmonious biofield. All illness and psychological disturbances begin here.


The conventional, ‘medical’ view of the body is of a group of atoms which somehow combine to form molecules, cells, bones, tissue and organs. Atoms are dumb objects which come together by chance. The regulation and control of the body is governed by genes, nerves and hormones. When we get ill it is because the body’s chemistry is out of kilter and requires adjustment using pharmaceuticals or by modifying genes.

However a purely chemical view of the body has proved severely limited in treating chronic disease, explaining the placebo effect, memory, thought, intelligence and individuality. It doesn’t even explain the shape and form of the body, what controls our 70-100 trillion cells, or how healing happens. Above all, from a scientific point of view, it does not explain consciousness. The biofield potentially does.

The future of medicine must take account of quantum processes, information transfers and energy flows. One day we will look back on today’s drug-based approach as primitive as blood–letting and leeches!

©David Lawrence Preston, 26.8.2017

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A Bioenergetic View of Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most important topics for maintaining good health, preventing disease and maintaining a positive mental and emotional state. But few conventional doctors are trained beyond the basics in nutrition and most understate its importance. My doctor told me less than a day of his seven years’ at medical school was devoted to the subject!

Conventional Western medicine looks at nutrition largely in terms of its physical and chemical composition. It takes account, for instance, of the metabolism of macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micro-nutrients like vitamins and trace minerals. But the Science of Bio-energetics takes a broader perspective. It recognises that food and drink has energetic and informational aspects too, and that people must get not only the right biochemical elements from their food, but also vital energy.

Nutrition must be considered not only from a biological and chemical point of view, but also as a provider of energy such as light and information.

Nutrition from a Biological and Chemical Perspective

Conventional medicine considers food in three main groups – proteins, fats and carbohydrates – plus vitamins, essential minerals and so on.

Carbohydrates are made of sugars and starch. But simple sugars provide only ‘empty’ calories. They have high calorific value but do not contain any vitamins or minerals. Starch is made up of more complex sugars and provides the main energy reservoir of grains, roots, bulbs and seeds.

Fats are energy providers; they have twice the biological calorific value of carbohydrates or proteins and store huge amounts of energy. If there is a deficiency of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are converted into energy. Vegetable fats are primarily composed of mono- and poly-saturated fatty acids. Animal fats are primarily made of unsaturated fatty acids and have a more solid form. Fats (fat pads) pads protect organs from injuries and serve as temperature insulation; they facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins; and are flavour carriers for fat-soluble flavours and aromas.

Proteins are made of amino acids. There are essential and non-essential amino acids. The essential ones cannot be synthesised by the body and must be supplied through food. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, proteins cannot be stored in the body and must be provided on a daily basis. Their best-known function is to build up muscles, but they also serve to store certain minerals, maintain the body’s shape, regulate enzymes and hormones, maintain immune defence and transmit nerve impulses.

Vitamins are crucial to body function and support the healing process, but cannot be synthesised by the body. There are fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K ) and water-soluble vitamins (the rest). Fat-soluble vitamins can only be taken up with fat, which means that we can gulp down lots of fat-soluble vitamins but without fat they cannot be absorbed.

Essential minerals include calcium, potassium and magnesium and trace minerals such as copper, iron, zinc, selenium and iron.


Bioenergetic Nutrition

Subtle energies play a significant role in nutrition. Every cell has innate intelligence so the body knows instinctively what is good for it and what is not. It recognises and welcomes healthy sources of nutrition that meet its needs.

The body also knows what is not healthy and tries to eliminate it, sometimes drastically (i.e. sickness or diarrhoea). Unfortunately many people bombard their digestive systems unhealthy nutrition – sugary drinks, excessive fat, food that has had the goodness processed out of it or is cooked to extinction – until the body is overwhelmed and at the last resort packs up altogether.

Living organisms are sustained by a vital force or ‘life force’ that cannot be explained in terms of traditional physics and chemistry. It (or its lack) is responsible for much that happens in health and disease.

To eat and drink healthily, you must know:

  1. What vital energy comes with what foodstuffs?
  2. Bearing in mind that people are different, what foods are appropriate for you, to provide the vital energy you need? How do you take account of your body type and lifestyle, etc.?

A significant part of your energy comes from food, but food is more than just a source of thermal or chemical energy – because the magnetic, gravitational and light energy of your nutrients are the basis of all of the building and repairing molecules that become your body.

Individual differences

The ancient healers were aware of the need to take account of different body types. For example, the Chinese identified yin (cold) and yang (hot) types. Hot body types need cold food (e.g. vegetables and salads) and cold body types hot food (e.g. meat, onions and spices).

Ayurveda works with three elemental energies or humors: vata (air & space – ‘wind‘), pitta (fire & water – ‘bile‘) and kapha (water & earth – ’phlegm‘). When these three are in balance, the body is healthy; if not, it is diseased. Everyone has a unique combination of vata, pita and kapha. One ingenious way of assuring a balanced diet in Ayurvedic Medicine is to include some of each of the six tastes – salt, sweet, astringent, bitter, pungent and sour – in the diet every day.

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Biophotons in Food

Recent discoveries about the bio-photons that radiate light from the cells of plants and animals reveal a great deal about the health of the body and the food we eat.

In the 1970s, Dr Fritz-Albert Popp showed that living systems depend on light. They exist inside a coherent photon field, and biophotons are responsible for cellular communication and regulating biological functions. He later developed a device to detect biophotons from plant and animal cells which is now being used to determine the quality of food.

Popp also found that healthy people emit light rhythmically and in a balanced way. For example, cancer patients lack these rhythms; multiple sclerosis sufferers exhibit too much light. He concluded that health was a delicate balance between chaos and order. Too much coherence causes the system to collapse. (Consider an army which staggers its steps when marching across a bridge. If all footsteps fell at the same time, the bridge could collapse.)

Some conclusions

Nutrition is crucial in health and healing. It’s also a popular subject in the media – they give out loads of healthy eating messages, many of which are confusing and contradictory.  Healthy eating is big business – large companies promote a variety of eating regimes which achieve mass popularity, only to be discarded when the next fad comes along.

Doctors advocate a ‘balanced diet’ in general, but don’t always give nutrition the attention it deserves, nor grasp the differences between individual patients from a nutritional point of view. Holistic healers have known for centuries that nutrition is important. Dietary therapy is a vital plank of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Ayurvedic practitioners of India developed a sophisticated approach based on individual body types and the characteristics and tastes of foods.

Mainstream science has a problem with ‘vital energy’ because it can’t be seen, smelt, heard or tasted. Hence it is often ignored. But the best bio-energetic practitioners understand what vital energy comes with which foodstuffs, and how it can be best preserved though the storage and cooking process.

In general, the fresher and more natural the food, the fewer additives and the less processing, transporting, storage and cooking, the higher its bio-energetic value. This is what we should all be aiming for.

©David Lawrence Preston, 15.1.2019

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Where do the laws of nature come from?

There’s an ongoing debate around the globe about how this world was made and how we came to be on it. In the USA it takes the form of heated discussions between those who trust science and those who prefer a religious – primarily Christian – interpretation.

On one side are the Evolutionists. They follow scientist Charles Darwin’s view that life evolved from tiny microbes in the sea. Those best suited to their environment and willing to adapt when necessary thrived, multiplied and gradually became fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and finally us. Leading proponents of this view argue that we are the result of DNA reproducing and perpetuating itself. They believe they are supported by the scientific evidence.

On the other side are the Creationists, who believe the Bible is literally true, that the earth was made in six days and all this happened a mere six thousand years ago. Carbon dating techniques which show the earth to be much older than this are misleading, they say, because the Creator deliberately made it seem older. Some schools run by Christian fundamentalists teach only this view.

However, there is a third idea – intelligent design. Proponents don’t dismiss evolution, but argue that it’s not just down to adaptation and the survival of the fittest, but that some organising intelligence is overseeing the process. If this is correct, what is this ‘organising intelligence’? Is it just another name for G_d? Is it something that can be supported scientifically? And if it can, is it any help to us living our daily lives?

The Christian G_d is portrayed as a big man in the sky, overseeing everything right down to our daily behaviour. I cannot prescribe to this view. If there is a universal intelligence I am certain it is nothing like a human being. It is more likely to be non-physical, pure consciousness, a ‘Presence’ or information source shaping energy and matter.

The sooner we get rid of old-fashioned notions of a G_d formed in our image, the better!

©David Lawrence Preston, 5.1.18

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All the works of nature indicate intelligence

Human beings have always sensed a power greater than themselves. In ancient times they believed there was a god or gods ‘up there’ looking down on them and a place below ground where they went after death. Because they didn’t understand very much about the natural world, they reasoned it was under the control of these gods.

If the gods were happy, they showed it by arranging bumper harvests and victory over their enemies. If they were unhappy, all manner of hardships and disasters befell their mortal subjects.

When it was shown that the earth is a globe spinning around the sun, the religious authorities felt threatened. They condemned the scientists and astronomers and banned publication of their work. In time, the Middle Ages gave way to the Age of Reason. Scientists showed that the material world behaved according to proven ‘laws’ which could not be reconciled with miracles, heaven, hell and divine retribution.

In the twentieth century, men flew to the moon, bringing back photographs of the small blue sphere we call home. They looked beneath the ground and found nothing other than rocks and a molten core. There was no sign of gods living above the clouds or the walking dead below ground. ‘Proof,’ said the scientists. ‘There is no god. We’ve been sold a lie.’

Or have we? Is there an intelligence underpinning everything? Not a person, but an energy or field? Good question! And one to which science, if the form of quantum physics, thinks it has an answer. When you slow everything down to absolute zero, all motion ceases and all you are left with is information – pure consciousness, intelligence, non-physical. Now there’s a thought!

©David Lawrence Preston, 28.12.17

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Informational Medicine

Cutting edge science is demonstrating that information, not energy alone, is the key to health and healing. It takes intelligence to make a body; intelligence instructs the atoms and cells that create the body. Give the body new information to work with and it has the restore a sick body to full health.

The body knows instinctively how to heal itself, if allowed to do so. In an unhealthy body, information transfers are distorted so energy is blocked. Informational medicine focuses on providing the correct information and unblocking its flow. Amazing healings can take place by adjusting energy and information flows at the quantum level, the smallest known units of particles, waves and matter. It’s not about body chemistry, genes or microbes. It’s about mind, ideas and expression.

Think about it. How does a cell know its function? How do groups of cells combine to make a plant, a fish, a reptile, bird or mammal, or a human? How do cells combine to make a heart, a liver, a brain? How is it that an organism works as a whole, not just a collection of parts? Because it is a unified holistic wave structure, moderated by information fields and patterns.

All healing is informational

All healing is informational. Even applying a splint or plaster enables energy to flow and supplies information to the human biofield – that structured set of holographic information fields that surround and entwine the body, integrating our physical, chemical, mental and emotional aspects with our intelligence and consciousness.

Our state of health and wellbeing are totally dependent on a harmonious biofield. All illness and psychological disturbances begin here.

We take in information in many forms:

  • Words, gestures, images, books, knowledge from radio, TV, internet etc.
  • What we perceive through the five senses, moderated by our beliefs.
  • Physical substances (water, herbs, sunlight etc.)
  • Electro-magnetic fields that emanate from the earth and cosmos.
  • Even a surgeon’s knife, stitch or stent provides information.
  • Actually everything around us in the environment is information.

The body ‘matches’ the incoming information with the existing information it holds and looks for what it needs. The body will heal itself if given the means to do so and allowed to realise that wellness is our natural state, available to us all. Information is stored not in the brain, but in the biofield. If we don’t access it correctly, there are consequences for health. Information directs and governs activity – nothing can change unless it knows how to change!

The new ‘informational’ medicine is here already, but will only reach its full potential when the medical profession and the public ‘gets’, applies it and feels the benefits.

©David L Preston, 10.5.2017

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