Your Inner Power

Everything you need to build a happy and fulfilling life and become a force for good in the world already lies within you. You may not have been aware of it, but it is there, just as it always was. Look deeper: it may be buried under a mountain of negative thinking, false beliefs and emotional baggage.

You are charged with spiritual energy. It needs only to be released, and as long as you have the ability to think and act for yourself, you can do it. It’s never too late.

Your inner power is non-physical

Your inner power has nothing to do with your physical attributes. If it were, the world would be ruled by Olympic athletes and weightlifters. Elderly, impaired or diminutive individuals such as Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Stephen Hawking and Mother Theresa would have been powerless and made little impact.

Your inner power is spiritual. Spiritual means ‘non-physical’. It reveals itself in your thoughts and beliefs, ideas, dreams, hopes, feelings and understandings. These shape your world, because your life is a reflection of what you hold in your mind.

Your thoughts, words and actions have real power. Take charge of your inner world and you take charge of your outer world too.


©David Lawrence Preston, 23.1.2017

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How to Books, 2007

Where should we look for the secret of life?

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.’



There’s an old Eastern story: Long ago, four senior gods met to decide where to hide the greatest secret of life. They knew they needed a safe place because if humans ever found it they couldn’t be trusted to use it constructively.

The first god suggested hiding it at the top of a high mountain, but they soon realised that humans would eventually climb to the top and find it.

The second suggested that the bottom of the deepest ocean would be better, but agreed with the others that humans would eventually explore the depths too.

The third suggested the centre of the Earth, but they realised that humans would one day dig deep enough to find it.

Finally, the wisest spoke. ‘There’s only one place to hide the great secret of the universe – within the human heart.  They’ll never think of looking for it there.’

The secret of life cannot be found in holy books for it lies within.

©David Lawrence Preston, 23.1.2017

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How to Books, 2007

Get into the Light

There is a Power that will light your way to health, happiness, peace and success, if you will but turn toward that light.’

Paramahansa Yogananda

Light is often used as a metaphor for the  sacred, and this is more than an abstract idea. In many ways Universal/Creative Intelligence is like the sun, constantly emitting energy and keeping us alive. It flows through us.

We can light up ourselves and the world around us by making a simple choice. As the Indian Master, Sai Baba, says, ‘The rays of the sun fall equally on all who are directed in their way. If someone is behind an obstacle, or in a room, he will receive only part of the light. Cultivating the higher spiritual yearnings is like coming out from the confinement of a room into the sun’s rays.’

Just as a place cannot be light and dark at the same time, when we are switched on, painful emotions such as doubt, hatred, anger and blame fade into the background allowing love, courage, confidence and forgiveness etc. to take their place.

Many people are leaving the traditional religions in droves because they cannot relate to dogma and ritual that bear little relation to living well and creating a better world. As you have discovered, spirituality is not concerned with theologies. It is about life and how to get the most out of it. Look inside, remove the mental blockages and let life flow through you. Then use it to build the kind of world you want – one filled with peace, happiness, health and prosperity for all.


©David Lawrence Preston, 21.1.2017

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @David_L_Preston

How to Books, 2007


Karma simply means ‘cause and effect’.

Our thoughts, words and actions have repercussions, and in the wider scheme of things, we reap what we sow.

The doctrine of Karma is often spuriously linked to reincarnation since some say the effects of our actions are carried from one lifetime to another. But whether or not this is true we must pay attention. Karma works within one lifetime. We get back what we give out, clearly and demonstrably, whether in terms of material things or emotionally (good feelings or bad).

Karma is not a punishment, but our greatest teacher. Whether it continues over several lifetimes is debatable, but we do know that we reap what we sow in this lifetime. Once we understand this, we can dedicate ourselves to growing in awareness and live from an ever-increasing perspective of service and love.

©David Lawrence Preston, 19.1.2017

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How to Books, 2007




Faith is not just for the religious

Faith is trust in an idea even when there’s no logical proof. It is often believed to be misguided because it does not depend on sensory evidence.

However, faith has accomplished wonders and continues to do so. Without it, no-one would ever take a risk or try anything original. To have faith that we can do something, even if there is no physical proof, empowers us to do it.

Faith is not just for esoteric types; Max Planck was one of many scientists who understand the value of faith. ‘Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind,’ he wrote, ‘realises that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith. It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.’

Faith lies at the heart not only of science but also of spirituality. With faith, we allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition, do our best to lay down positive ‘causes’ each moment, and trust that the right effects will follow according to Universal Law.

‘There is no such thing as lack of faith. We all have plenty of faith, it’s just that we have faith in the wrong things. We have faith in what can’t be done rather than what can be done. We have faith in lack rather than abundance, but there is no lack of faith.’

 Eric Butterworth

©David Lawrence Preston, 19.1.2017

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How to Books, 2007


Give up approval-seeking behaviour

It’s perfectly natural to want to be liked and accepted, but it becomes a problem if you constantly edit yourself to win others’ approval.

Approval-seeking behaviour has some short-term benefits (e.g. it can help avoid arguments), but has long-term consequences. You are unlikely to feel good about yourself if you continually pander to others.

Concern yourself less with other people’s opinions. Others don’t necessarily see things your way or know what’s best for you. Make your own decisions and honour your own values. Others’ expectations are not your concern. You didn’t create them, and you don’t own them. If they don’t like what you do, that’s their problem, not yours.

You are unique. Strangely, many of us are obsessed with trying to acceptable to our fellow human beings find acceptable. Value your uniqueness! When you live your own truth, the sense of freedom is invigorating.

You may feel uncomfortable when you first put this into practice. The cause of your discomfort is your emotional programming. So persevere. Before long the uncomfortable feelings fade away.


©David Lawrence Preston, 18.1.2017

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @David_L_Preston

How to Books, 2010




Is it wrong to love yourself?  Some people think so. They think of people who love themselves as being rather unpleasant,  selfish and conceited.

But loving yourself is not the same as being in love with yourself. This is usually a form of bravado indulged in by individuals who think too little of themselves and desperately try to hide it.

To love yourself, you don’t have to do everything perfectly. You don’t have to prove anything. You don’t even have to do your best.

Self-love benefits others too, for only when you have love for yourself can you share it with others. Disliking oneself is no way to spread love and help others to feel better about themselves.


Self-acceptance is closely related to self-love. Self-acceptance means acknowledging what you are and respecting all aspects of yourself.

It does not mean giving up on yourself. If there’s something you want to change that is worth changing, change it. Do it lovingly.

As your capacity for self-love grows, other changes occur too. You become more tolerant, calm, compassionate and peaceful. Others feel better in your presence (animals are also very quick to pick up on this.) You instill calmness and confidence in others.

©David Lawrence Preston 18.1.2017

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @David_L_Preston

How to Books, 2010

Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind

Your self-esteem is a set of thoughts which manifest in attitudes, emotions and behaviours. If it needs a makeover, apply the I-T-I-A Formula. Remember: all four parts are necessary to effect permanent change.

Intention: Decide right now that you’ll treat yourself with love and respect, and accept only what is right for you.

Thinking: Monitor your self-talk, examine your beliefs, and use affirmations to re-align your thinking. Self-deprecating thoughts have nothing to sustain them other than our own habits.

Imagination: Create the person you want to be in your imagination, knowing that he/she will eventually become the reality.

Action: Let your intentions, thinking and imagination show in your behaviour.  If this feels uncomfortable at first, take it in small steps, ignore any discomfort, and above all persist. Consistent action based on right thinking always brings results.

Persistence and determination are key. Let nothing get in the way of your quest for confidence,  high self-esteem and inner peace. Stretch yourself a little every day. Each success, however small, brings encouragement..

©David Lawrence Preston, 16.1.2017

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How to Books, 2010

Transform yourself by the renewal of your mind

Your self-image is a set of thoughts and mental images which manifest in attitudes, emotions and behaviours. If it needs a makeover, apply the I-T-I-A Formula. Remember: all four parts are necessary to effect permanent change.

Intention: Decide right now that you’ll treat yourself with love and respect, and accept only what is right for you.

Thinking: Monitor your self-talk, examine your beliefs, and use affirmations to re-align your thinking. Self-deprecating thoughts have nothing to sustain them other than our own habits.

Imagination: Create the person you want to be in your imagination, knowing that he/she will eventually become the reality.

Action: Let your intentions, thinking and imagination show in your behaviour.  If this feels uncomfortable at first, take it in small steps, ignore any discomfort, and above all persist. Consistent action based on right thinking always brings results.

Persistence and determination are key. Let nothing get in the way of your quest for high self-esteem and inner peace. Stretch yourself a little every day. Each success, however small, brings encouragement..


©David Lawrence Preston, 10.1.2017

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How to Books, 2010

A human being having spiritual experiences?

The biggest leap in self-esteem takes place when you stop thinking of yourself merely as a body with a brain and instead see yourself as spiritual being in human form.

This is not some fanciful New Age idea – it is rooted in quantum science, which tells us that everything that appears solid and material is actually composed of infinitesimally tiny particles shaped by invisible information fields.

When we think of ourselves as nothing more than physical beings, our self-esteem is heavily based on our material form and what we do. We believe that our self-worth is related to our appearance, performance, ability to do things well and maybe what we earn. We are easily influenced by what others say, and are over-anxious to please. Fear – of what others think of us and what might happen in the future – plays a big part in our thinking.


When we know that we are spiritual beings, our entire perspective changes. Our sense of identity is now based on non-physical attributes. We never question our intrinsic worth. We are familiar, very familiar, with the silent, peaceful state in which we are connected to our Source.

We are guided by our intuition and no longer dependent on others’ opinions. We honour our own deepest values and cherish compassion, wisdom and truth. We know that we have these within ourselves and strive to make them a greater part of our experience.

We see others as spiritual beings, so are more tolerant and less likely to label them. We recognise our one-ness. We take responsibility for our thoughts, words, feelings and actions, knowing that these are choices which actively create our future.


©David Lawrence Preston, 9.1.2017

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How to Books, 2007